Using regular expression is dangerous for it exposes your system to ReDoS attacks. Basically a malicious user could craft a special input to hang your server idle at 100%. Some reports from the past are CVE-2017-16021, CVE-2018-13863, and CVE-2018-8926.
Even if you’re sure all submitted strings are trusted, quality software tools will raise security concerns pointing to any RegEx code.
So prefer the safeReplace function from this package instead of the bundled String.prototype.replace. There’s also other permutations to replace first or all, case sensitive or insensitive.
String.prototype.capitalize(): string
Returns the string in lower case, except for the first letter of each word which will be upper cased.
'life before death'.capitalize(); // => 'Life Before Death'
String.prototype.centerPad(size: number, pad?: string): string
Returns the string with the specified size, using the specified character to both sides to complete the length, centering the word. If no character is specified, blank is assumed. If the number is even, the string will be one position to the left
'12'.centerPad(5, 'a'); // => 'a12aa' '12'.centerPad(3); // => '12 '
String.prototype.contains(str: string): string
Returns true if the substring is present, case sensitive
'strength before weakness'.contains('after'); // false 'journey before destination'.contains('destination'); // true
String.prototype.containsIgnoreCase(str: string): string
Returns true if the substring is present, regardless the case
'I will protect those'.containsIgnoreCase('PROTECT'); // true 'who cannot protect themselves'.containsIgnoreCase('Those';) // false
String.prototype.firstChar(): string
Equivalent to ‘’.charAt(0)
'StormLight'.firstChar(); // => 'S'
String.prototype.isNumeric(): boolean
Returns true if the string represents a number
'0'.isNumeric(); // => true '-1'.isNumeric(); // => true '1'.isNumeric(); // => true '-1.7'.isNumeric(); // => true '8e5'.isNumeric(); // => true '*2a'.isNumeric(); // => false '\t\t'.isNumeric(); // => false
String.prototype.lastChar(): string
Equivalent to s.charAt(s.length -1);
'StormLight'.lastChar(); // => 't'
String.prototype.leftPad(size: number, pad?: string): string
As of ES2017 , use String.prototype.padStart() instead.
Returns the string with the specified size, using the specified character to the lef to complete the length. If no character is specified, blank is assumed.
'123'.leftPad(5,'_'); // => '__123' '123'.leftPad(5); // => ' 123'
String.prototype.replaceAll(target: string, replacement: string): string
Returns a new string the first case sensitive occurrences of target replaced by the replacement string.
'I will protect even those I hate'.replaceAll(' ', '_'); // => 'I_will_protect_even_those_I_hate'
String.prototype.replaceAllIgnoreCase(target: string, replacement: string): string
Returns a new string with all case sensitive occurrences of target replaced by the replacement string.
'I will take responsibility'.replaceAllIgnoreCase('i', '!'); // => '! w!ll take respons!b!l!ty'
String.prototype.replaceIgnoreCase(target: string, replacement: string): string
Returns a new string with the first occurrence of target replaced by the replacement string, regardless the case.
'I will listen to those who have been ignored.'.replaceIgnoreCase('WHO HAVE', 'WHO\'VE'); // => 'I will listen to those WHO'VE been ignored.'
String.prototype.rightPad(size: number, pad?: string): string
As of ES2017 , use String.prototype.padEnd() instead.
Returns the string with the specified size, using the specified character to the right to complete the length. If no character is specified, blank is assumed.
'123'.leftPad(5,'_'); // => '123__' '123'.leftPad(5,); // => '123 '
String.prototype.safeReplace(target: string, replacement: string): string
Returns a new string with the first case sensitive occurrence of target replaced by the replacement string.
Choose this function over the bundled String.prototype.replace() if you don’t need to support regular expressions.
'I will listen to those who have been ignored.'.replaceIgnoreCase('WHO HAVE', 'WHO\'VE'); // => 'I will listen to those WHO'VE been ignored.'
String.prototype.strip(targets: string | Array<string>): string;
Strips the string of all characters or words passed to the function.
'1980-06-09T19:00:00.000Z'.strip('-', ':', '.', 't', 'z'); // => '19800609T190000000Z'
String.prototype.strip(targets: string | Array<string>): string;
Strips the string of all characters or words passed to the function, regardless the case
'1980-06-09T19:00:00.000Z'.strip('-', ':', '.', 't', 'z'); // => '19800609190000000'
String.prototype.substringFrom(str: string): string
Returns the string from the first occurrence of the specified substring to the end. It’s case sensitive.
'I will remember those who have been forgotten.'.substringFrom('r'); // => 'remember those who have been forgotten.'
String.prototype.substringFromLast(str: string): string
Returns the string from the last occurrence of the specified substring to the end. It’s case sensitive.
'I will remember those who have been forgotten.'.substringFrom('r'); // => 'gotten.'
String.prototype.substringUpTo(str: string): string
Returns the string up until the first occurrence of the the specified substring, exclusive and case sensitive.
'I will unite instead of divide.'.substringUpTo('e'); // => 'I will unit'
String.prototype.substringUpToLast(str: string): string
Returns the string up until the last occurrence of the the specified substring, exclusive and case sensitive.
'I will unite instead of divide.'.substringUpToLast('e'); // => 'I will unite instead of divid'
String.prototype.toASCII(): string
Strips the string of accented characters, downgrading the encode to simple ASCII
const sample = 'Façade Café Résumé' sample.toASCII(); // => Facade Cafe Resume
String.prototype.toDate(pattern: string): Date
Alias of Date.prototype.fromFormattedString
String.prototype.format(args: ...any): string;
Returns a string based on a template and it’s arguments.
Ordinals out of parameter’s scope are kept in the string.
'This {0} {1} has a {2} value of {3}'.format('string', 2, true, 3.4); // returns 'This string 2 has a true value of 3.4' 'This {2} has a {3} value of {4}'.format('string', 2, true, 3.4); // returns 'This true has a 3.4 value of {4}'
String.prototype.interpolate(properties: {[name: string]: unknown}): string;
Returns a string based on a template and it’s arguments.
Variables not found are kept in the string.
const params: {param0: 'string', param1: 2, param2: true, param3: 3.4}; 'This {param0} {param1} has a {param2} value of {param3}'.interpolate(params); // returns 'This string 2 has a true value of 3.4' 'This {param2} has a {param3} value of {param4}'.interpolate(params); // returns 'This true has a 3.4 value of {param4}'
String.prototype.equalsIgnoreCase(str: string): boolean;
Returns true if the two strings are equal, regardless the case of each letter.
'Rafael'.equalsIgnoreCase('rafael'); // returns true